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Superintendent Michael Citta
Superintendent Michael Citta

Business Administrator William Doering
Business Administrator William Doering

Assistant Superintendent James Ricotta
Assistant Superintendent James Ricotta

Assistant Superintendent Patrick Thomas
Assistant Superintendent Patrick Thomas

Assistant Superintendent Cara DiMeo
Assistant Superintendent Cara DiMeo

Director of Special Services Joy Forrest
Director of Special Services Joy Forrest

Director of Funded Programs Richard Fastnacht
Director of Funded Programs Richard Fastnacht

Director of Secondary Curriculum Adrienne Gold
Director of Secondary Curriculum Adrienne Gold

Director of K-5 Curriculum Rachel Cicala
Director of K-5 Curriculum Rachel Cicala

Director of Student Services John Green
Director of Student Services John Green

Mission Statement

Toms River Regional Schools is a community of dedicated students, professional staff, and supportive community members. Together we are committed to providing an innovative and rigorous educational experience that

  • aligns with and exceeds New Jersey Student Learning Standards
  • respects the dignity and safety of every person in the school community
  • recognizes and nurtures the unique talents, interests, and experiences of each individual
  • develops students into lifelong learners who are socially responsible, confident, value diversity, and are able to adapt to the present and future challenges of a complex world.

Mike Citta and STRE student 2024 back to school

Mike Citta board meeting by Jenna M 2024
Superintendent Mike Citta

Goals 2024-2025

Each year, district leaders craft challenging goals based on the progress of the previous years’ goals, achievement data, feedback from stakeholders, and a consideration of government mandates, local and societal needs, and relevant research. Our goals must be general enough to encompass and guide all other curricular and building goals, yet specific enough to be measurable and achievable. The district goals then form the basis for building goals, which in turn inform department, administrator, and teacher goals and professional development plans. Progress on these goals is reported mid-year and at the end of the school year.

1. Student Achievement: Preserve and increase student academic growth and achievement in English Language Arts, Mathematics & Science as informed by multiple measures, both internal and external, while enduring reduced access to financial resources.

2. Culture & Climate: Continue to enhance district culture and climate by reducing the rates of student absenteeism, minimizing instances of antisocial behavior, fostering positive student relationships and promoting good citizenship among students.

3. Budget: Continue to develop and revise financial plans to address the district budget challenges while actively seeking more alternative sources of revenue, maximizing shared service opportunities and most critically, continuing legal, legislative and advocacy efforts to revise the current state aid formula to provide the district with sustainable revenue sources. These actions, along with others referenced within the district goals, will be done with the intention of preserving our community schools.

4. Facilities: Continue monitoring and assessing building needs not addressed within the ESIP and Referendum projects. Provide professional development opportunities for staff who complete preventative maintenance within our buildings to further their understanding of newly installed equipment. Address phases 3 and 4 of Intermediate South as recommended by our project engineering firm. Work creatively to address staffing challenges to support the maintenance of all buildings.

5. Community: Continue to foster and expand partnerships with local, county, and state organizations to enhance student programs and shared services. This includes addressing mental health and creating integrated learning opportunities for both staff and students. Maintain transparency by holding regular committee meetings to gather input from community members. Collaborate with parents to support school initiatives and communicate the importance of program development and inclusion to all stakeholders within our school community. Expand website communication to provide additional avenues to spread awareness of school happenings to the school community.

Approved at the September 2024 BOE meeting

District Vision

Toms River Regional Schools are, above all, student centered. We recognize the classroom as a place where all students

  1. feel safe to learn, work together, and express themselves respectfully;
  2. are encouraged to discover and develop their interests and abilities, no matter what their present level of performance;
  3. are offered experiences in new and wider fields of knowledge that can make life richer and more satisfying. 

We understand that all of a person's experiences influence that person's development. The curriculum of Toms River Regional Schools, therefore, embraces pupil opportunities-- classroom instruction, extracurricular activities, field experiences, social functions, and community projects-- that embrace the whole child. Recognizing and encouraging student choice and voice are fundamentally to achieving this vision.

Being a lifelong learner means not only developing habits of mind that include analysis, introspection, critical thinking, and problem solving, but also applying a mindset that ensures personal future readiness and becoming a socially responsible citizen: adaptability, flexibility, mindfulness, empathy, tolerance, open-mindedness, and grit. The district is committed to helping students strengthen these traits through authentic learning opportunities that connect them with their community and the larger world.

Many closely interrelated factors determine the degree to which we can create a positive  learning environment. We acknowledge the importance of physical surroundings, but even more important are human relationships. Supportive, caring, and professionally bounded connections between students and staff help promote growth and a sense of belonging.

We believe that no educational philosophy can be static. The aims and policies of the Toms River Regional Schools are being continually reexamined in light of changing pupil and community needs. We encourage continuous feedback and revision.