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Procedures for interventions in the general education program and referral for evaluation

1. Parents, teachers, other school professionals, and agencies concerned with the welfare of the student may refer a student of any age group as needing interventions in the general education program.

2. Teachers and other school personnel will be informed of this procedure by the school principal or his/her designee and/or the Child Study Team.

3. These procedures will be distributed to parents at Back to School Night. District personnel will receive these procedures at regularly scheduled faculty meeting. 4. A student may be identified as needing interventions in the general education program because of but not limited to any of the following reasons:

  • Physical
  • Sensory
  • Emotional
  • Communication
  • Cognitive or
  • Social difficulties

5. The child shall be referred to the school principal or his/her designee.

6. The principal or his/her designee shall notify the parent of this referral.

7. The principal or his/her designee shall convene a meeting with the teacher(s), other school professionals as appropriate, and parent, to determine appropriate interventions in the general education program. At such time, the person responsible for the implementation and evaluation of these interventions will be determined. This person can be the child’s teacher or other school professional as appropriate. This person will maintain documentation of the effectiveness of the interventions.

8. Within 30 days after this meeting, the principal or his/her designee will contact the parent and reconvene another meeting to review the effectiveness of the interventions in the general education program. At such time it may be determined that the interventions in the general education program have not adequately addressed the educational difficulties, and it is believed that the student may be disabled. The student will then be referred for evaluation to determine eligibility for special education programs and services.

9. A child may be referred directly to the Child Study Team for evaluation when it can be documented that the nature of the student’s educational problem(s) is such that an evaluation is warranted without delay.

10. If the parent or adult student makes a written request for an evaluation to determine eligibility, such a request is to be considered a referral and shall be forwarded without delay to the Child Study Team.

11. A child may be referred to the Child Study Team for evaluation even if he/she is advancing from grade to grade.

12. When it is decided to refer a student to the Child Study Team for evaluation, the referral package (enclosed) must be completed by the teacher and other appropriate personnel in a timely fashion, submitted to the principal or his/her designee who will then give it to the Child Study Team.

  • The nurse will review the medical history and conduct an audiometric and vision screening
  • The classroom teacher will submit documentation of the student’s performance and interventions in the general education program.
  • Documentation will be submitted by other personnel when appropriate.

13. The Child Study Team must date the receipt of the referral. Within 20 days of receipt of the referral they must initiate a “referral – identification” meeting with the parent, regular education teacher, and any other appropriate personnel (Form attached).

14. If a parent or adult student makes a written request for referral to the Child Study Team, this request must be immediately given to the principal or his/her designee and forwarded to the Child Study Team without delay. A “referral-identification meeting” must take place within 20 days of receipt of this request. The Referral packet must be completed by appropriate school personnel prior to this meeting as indicated above.

15. School personnel are informed of this process during regularly scheduled staffing meetings. Parents are informed of this process during “Back to School Night” when they are given a copy of this procedure.