Welcome Message
From Principal Michael S. Pallen
Student Handbook
Citta School Scholar Handbook for 2022-2023
Parent Resources
Parent portal, food services, transportation, SEPAG, and more
Staff Resources
Genesis employee portal, payroll, benefits, news, AESOP, and more
Student Resources
Mental health, anti-bullying, summer reading, Career Academies, Code of Conduct, library catalog, and more
Photo Gallery
Visit Citta's Google Drive for photos of students, staff, and events during the 2022-2023 school year
Title I - School, Parent, & Family Engagement Policy
Policy adopted to meet the requirements of Title I, Part A.
Targeted Support & Improvement School Letter
Read the letter to the school community.
Joseph A. Citta Scholarship
The teachers and PTO are pleased to offer scholarships this year to graduating seniors.
Beca Joseph A. Citta
Los maestros y el PTO se complacen en ofrecer becas este año a los estudiantes de último año que se gradúan.