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Walnut Street word search student

Patrick Thomas presentation to HHC
A "Feliz dia de San Valentin" word search game brought smiles to High School North and Walnut Street Elementary students alike (left) in the morning, while the afternoon ushered in lessons on how to pursue career opportunities from Assistant Superintendent Pat Thomas (above).  

Feb. 14, 2024-- Tuesday morning, the snow didn't stop High School North's Hispanic Heritage Club from visiting Walnut Street Elementary School. There, they worked with young A.M.I.G.O.S.-- Walnut Street's own Hispanic Heritage Club-- to make Valentine slime (right), play games, and even teach some fun line dancing moves.

"These activities bring the clubs of both schools together to engage in fun, educational, and teamwork activities," said HSN's World Language Facilitator Ann Gural.

And if the morning's intent was solidifying and sustaining the club's future, then the afternoon's focus was the future of the students themselves. Back at their home base, in the HSN media center, Robert Borthwick and Assistant Superintendent Patrick Thomas hosted a career-based presentation.

"Scheduling for Success" and "Requesting Letters of Recommendations" were two of the topics explored and discussed. The lessons, agenda, and documentation were often bilingual, targeted specifically to the school's Hispanic Heritage Club students, who among other activities, were able to practice completing the letter of recommendation request form (right).

There was work, there was play, there was mentorship and togetherness. All in all, it was a busy and memorable day for the HHC. Additional photos below.

Valentine slime screenshot photo HHC
practice completing letter of recommendation form