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Unidos Intermediate South photo 1
May 1, 2024-- Intermediate South’s Spanish Heritage Club, UNIDOs, visited Beachwood Elementary students for El Dia de Los Ninos, a day set aside in Mexican culture to celebrate children. UNIDOs members read and interacted with students while reading Pepe and the Parade, introduced and practiced a few Spanish words during a game of Simon Says, and enjoyed making a piñata. Excitement filled the room when bags of candy were distributed! Intermediate South guidance counselor Betty Velez-Gimbel helped coordinate the event, and Beachwood Elementary School was more than welcoming to UNIDOs students.

El Dia de Los Ninos at Beachwood photo 2

El Dia de Los Ninos at Beachwood photo 3

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El Dia de Los Ninos at Beachwood photo 6