To provide specialized and individualized education to all students in the least restrictive environment
Department Goals
Community Engagement: Parent involvement in an important part of their child’s education. Their input is critical in making collaborative educational and academic decisions. In order to make data driven decisions, it is necessary that parents understand the various levels of support available for their child in both general education and special education while supporting services in the least restrictive environment.
Student Achievement: Increase academic achievement and overall engagement through data collection while addressing the needs of individual students who are most at-risk students. Students will be receiving systematic, explicit evidence-based interventions and student achievement through increased data collection opportunities in all special education classrooms utilizing supplemental supports and programs.
Culture & Climate: Continue to improve district culture and climate as measured by decreased chronic student absenteeism, decreased disciplinary incidences and improved student relationships in support of the district-wide kindness initiative. CST team members will become well-versed in New Jersey Tiered Systems of Support (NJTSS) in order to identify and support struggling students, provide targeted academic and behavioral interventions to students that meet criteria, reduce the over-referral of students to special education or labeled as disabled.