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CEU Information for Faculty and Staff

All CEU applications and correspondence should be sent to:

CEU Committee c/o Richard Fastnacht, Assistant Superintendent

1144 Hooper Avenue

Toms River, NJ 08753


All submissions for CEU credits must have a signed attendance verification and Professional Development Documentation form attached.

If you have any questions about CEU's, please e-mail

Graduate Reimbursement


Continuing Your Education

Applications and all correspondence regarding graduate reimbursement should be sent to Yami Gordon in Human Resources for processing at 1144 Hooper Ave, Toms River, NJ, 08753. Applications must be submitted before the course start date, and are allotted at 9 credits per school year (September through September).

Upon completion of the course(s), graduate students should forward a grade report that includes their name PLUS a completed voucher, remote purchase requisition, and a copy of course payment to Ms. Gordon in HR. These forms can be found at schools' main offices, and samples are linked here

along with an application document below.