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onr virtual hackathon

Nov. 18, 2020-- Do you want to solve the world's problems and learn how to code? Students in grades 6-12 are invited to participate in a free virtual hackathon. It’s a grand gathering of people to make their ideas come to life. Think out of the box, try new technologies, ask questions, make mistakes, discover a new language, and have fun!  Students can choose from the physical design of a prototype, or use app design with support provided in Scratch, MIT App Inventor, Python, Robotics, web design with HTML5, CSS and JavaScript, and the Unity ReadyMaker gaming platform.  Other programming languages are welcome and encouraged.

  • Kickoff: Friday, November 20 at 3:00 pm
    Reboot: (Missed Friday but still want to join us?): Saturday, November 21 at 10:00 am
  • Workshops & Mentors: All weekend and around most of the clock
  • Flipgrid Video and Submissions Due: Sunday, November 22 at 4:00 pm
  • Team Q&A with judges: Sunday, November 22, 4:00-6:00 pm
  • Awards Ceremony: Sunday, November 22, 6:00-6:30pm
  • Equipment return: Monday and Tuesday, November 23 & 24 

Want to learn more? Join us for one of the kickoff information session this Friday, November 20 at 3:00pm. Simply complete the application to get the link.

The virtual ONR Hack:TR Hackathon takes place November 20-22. Students in grades 6-12 are invited to participate ... no boot camp experience necessary.

The scenario will be posed Friday, Nov. 20. Teams identify the problem to solve, work around the clock on designing a working or non-working prototype, and on Sunday at 4 p.m., share their solution to win prizes. New languages may be introduced, mentors will be available each day for support, and fun will be had by all!

For more information check out the FAQ and schedule of events below.

Thank you to our partners

Code Ninjas

Hasso Plattner Institut IT Systems Engineering | Univeritat Potsdamn

Naval Air Systems Command

Office of Naval Research


I'm glad you asked! We require all participants to complete and submit the registration and permissions link found here  

It’s a grand gathering of people to make their ideas come to life. Think out of the box, try new technologies, ask questions, make mistakes, discover a new language, and have fun!  

The virtual ONR Hack:TR Hackathon takes place November 20-22 with a focus on students in grades 6-12, but all are invited to participate ... no boot camp experience necessary.

Here is the schedule for the weekend:

Kickoff: Friday, November 20 at 3:00 pm 
Workshops & Mentors: All weekend and around most of the clock 
Flipgrid Video and Submissions Due: Sunday, November 22 at 4:00 pm
Team Q&A with Judges: Sunday, November 22, 4:00-6:00 pm 
Awards Ceremony: Sunday, November 22, 6:00-6:30 pm
Equipment return: Monday and Tuesday, November 23 & 24 

Whatever you'd like. Software, hardware, design, music, art, animation — take your pick.  
Teams should be groups of up to 5 students. You can also work alone, but we encourage collaborating with the other great minds at Hack:TR.  

Your goal should be to have a finished or almost complete project by Sunday at 4pm. However, Hack:TR is ultimately a learning experience, so don't sweat it too much if you can't finish. We want you to experiment and learn!  Here's the rubric for the top awards, but there will be many!  Teams will be expected to submit a 90 second video on flipgrid here: (you will need to sign in with a school district account or a gmail, yahoo or aol account, and answer the following questions on this Google form: 

That’s absolutely fine! We encourage beginners to join us. Please feel free to email us if you've got any questions not answered here.  
Whatever you need to create. Hardware, computers, and whatever else.  
A bad attitude. Come with an open mind & get ready to build.
We're open to all students! In the industry? If you're interested in being a mentor, please reach out..
If you have a question not answered here or just want to reach out, shoot us an email.

We follow the Major League Hacking Code of Conduct, which can found here.