Welcome Message
From Principal Kevin Raylman
Principal's Newsletter
Hosted on s'more, check out the latest edition of Principal Kevin Raylman's newsletter.
Morning Announcements
What's on tap today at South? Check here to find out.
Simply Indianific Students
Monthly recognition for "Indianific students" helping the school reach its kindness goals for 2024-2025
Guidance Department
College information, scholarship opportunities, and many other resources
Seniors of the Month
Students making an impact in 2024-2025
Student Resources
Career academies, anti-bullying resources, attire, scholarship applications, summer reading, yearbook orders, and more
Student Activity List
Clubs and activities at HSS
Student Sports list
Pick a sport, (almost) any sport!
Parent Resources
Parent portal, food services, transportation, news, SEPAG, etc.
Staff Resources
Employee portal, news, benefits, payroll, AESOP, bylaws and policies, and more
The History of Gaiter Way
Which reflects the history of High School South
Targeted Support & Improvement Letter
Read Principal Raylman's letter to the school community.