Principal's Newsletter
Hosted on ParentSquare, a weekly recap of happenings at Intermediate North from Principal Lynn Fronzak
Daily Announcements
Access Intermediate North's Daily Announcements
Working Papers
Teens can access the NJDOE's Young Workers webpage to obtain their working papers.
Dolphin Dispatch
Access the online version Intermediate North's March-April student newspaper.
Clubs and Activities
Available clubs with Schedules, advisers and locations
Intermediate North's Guidance Department
Parent Resources
Parent portal, food services, transportation, SEPAG, schedules, calendars, and more
Student Resources
Portal, anti-bullying information, mental health resources, Career Academies info, Code of Conduct, summer reading, and more
Staff Resources
Genesis employee portal, benefits, payroll, AESOP, and much more
All sports schedules, scores and updates
Yearbook Information
Purchase a yearbook or create an ad via the Josten's website.
Title I - School, Parent, & Family Engagement Policy
Policy adopted to meet the requirements of Title I, Part A.