Welcome Message
From Principal Paul Gluck
Principal's Newsletter
Hosted on s'more, a weekly update on all things Intermediate South from Principal Gluck
Morning Announcements
Access Intermediate South's Daily Announcements
Foursome Winners
Groups of students caught in the act of embracing Seminole values
Student Council
Click here to get the latest Seminole Student Council information.
Nurse's Office
Intermediate South's Nurse's Office
Student Resources
Code of conduct, anti-bullying information, mental health resources, summer reading assignments, and much more
Parent Resources
Parent portal, food services, transportation, news, health information, and much more
Staff Resources
Genesis employee portal, benefits, payroll, technology guides, AESOP, Clever, and more
Guidance Office
Helping students make the most of their educational experience
Student Assistance Programs
Yearbook Information
Purchase a yearbook or create an ad via the Josten's website
Title I - School, Parent, & Family Engagement Policy
Policy adopted to meet the requirements of Title I, Part A.