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What's New

  • Robotics Improvements in Clear View at Clearview HS Competition

    Dec. 9, 2024-- Robotics teams from High School East (Raiders Short Circuits), High School North (Iron Mariners), and Intermediate North (Cyber Fins) competed in the First Tech Competition at Clearview High School in Mullica Hills, NJ Dec.
  • North Robotics Teams Compete in Holmdel

    Intermediate North's robotics team, the Cyberfins, includes-- from left to right-- Kavya Patel, Zoey Grey Jacinto, Krisha Goswami, Gabe Surace, and Noah Lessig.
  • TRSTV Students Learn Broadcasting History at InfoAge

    April 19, 2024-- The InfoAge Museum has, for the past several years, been a popular field trip destination for district students, particularly those within career-based pathways.
  • New Grant-Funded Project Will Have Raiders Working Inside and Out

    March 27, 2024-- A $10,000 grant from Sustainable Jersey for Schools, from its annual cycle funded by the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA), will have High School East students "Looking Outside and Inside.
  • ChapterCon Highlights Skills of District's NJTSA Members

    March 21, 2024-- March 18 marked the first-ever district-wide New Jersey Technology Student Association (NJTSA) Chapter Conference hosted by High School East.
  • Free Ocean County Robotics Club Grades 4-8 Forming

    4H is sponsoring an opportunity to learn building and programming skills, plus compete against other robotics teams. You will be building Lego robots, programming them to move and drive, and competing with them against other Lego League teams. The first Meeting is Tuesday, September 24th, 2019 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm in the Auditorium at the Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Ocean County 1623 Whitesville Rd Toms River, NJ 08755 If you are interested or have any questions please contact us at:
  • Windows 10 Upgrade

    We are now live with the newest, most secure operating system available from Microsoft. Windows 10 brings faster booting and loading times which will allow our students and staff to work and study more efficiently. Teachers now have more control over their desktops to further customize their classroom environment.  Click below to see a brief Windows 7 to Windows 10 comparison.
  • Google and Gmail Training

    Our district is migrating to Gmail. Click below for information and training on using Gmail and Google Apps.
  • Wireless Upgrade

    Our wireless upgrade project is now underway!  Access points are being added to every building with a minimum of 1 for every 2 classrooms.  The upgrade will provide complete network coverage district wide and will support a device for every student and staff member.
  • New Website

    The Technology Department has recently rolled out a fully redesigned district website. The website was 100% insourced and programmed by members of the district's Technology Department. Featuring a responsive, mobile-friendly design and dynamic content, the website has a custom content management system that allows content to be updated by multiple users from departments across the district.

Staff Email

Staff Email

Access your staff web email.

Genesis Logo


Gradebook, attendance, and more.

Technology Help

Technology Help

Having problems?  Submit a technology work order with our support ticketing system.

Using the Parent Portal

Parent Portal

Parent Portal

Parental access to report cards, attendance, progress reports, and more.

Unfortunately, we cannot support computer problems or browser problems. However, if you are having difficulty with your login, please call your child’s school and we will do our very best to assist you.

We are currently working to provide a view of your contact information. When it is available for you, you will see a “contacts” tab. If you notice an error in the information listed, please contact your child’s school so corrections can be made as quickly as possib

  1. Go to the portal login screen.
  2. Click the Forgot My Password link.
  3. Enter the email address that you gave on the Parent Portal registration form.
  4. Once that email address is validated, your password will be mailed to you.
  1. Log in to the parent portal.
  2. Click on the Setup tab.
  3. You will be required to enter your current password, a new password, and confirm the new password. 
  1. Log in to the parent portal. If you have more than one child, be sure to select him/her from the dropdown menu at the top of the home page.
  2. Click on the Grading tab.
  3. At the elementary level you will see the current report card in .pdf format immediately. You can print a copy of this report by using the printer icon at the top left of the .pdf page.
  4. At the middle and HS level, you will see your child’s schedule, with report card grades and progress report comments. Also, you will see a link that will indicate IR (interim report) or RC (report card). Click on that link and a .pdf version of your child’s report will open. You can print a copy of either report by using the printer icon at the top left of the .pdf page.

You will also be able to view a history of report cards and progress reports. If you do not have Adobe Reader on your computer you can download it free by going to

The school district does excuse an absence when the child brings in a parent note. However, the State of NJ, for attendance reporting purposes, considers all absences with the exception of a Religious Holiday and Take Your Child to Work Day as “unexcused.”

  1. Log in to the parent portal. If you have more than one child, be sure to select him/her from the dropdown menu at the top of the portal home page.
  2. Click on the Attendance tab.
  3. Moving your mouse pointer over a highlighted date will show you the reason for the absence. If your child has transferred from one district school to another, you will be able to view attendance from both schools by using the dropdown menu indicating the school name.
  1. Go to and click on the Technology button.
  2. Click on the Parent Portal link.
  3. Your account is the email address that you gave on the registration form (ie:; your password and instructions will be emailed to you as soon as your account is active. Please enter the password exactly as you see it as it is case sensitive. This password is temporary and you will be required to change it on first login. If you do not receive this email, please check your “junk mail” or “spam” folder before contacting your child’s school.

Using Our New Website

The Toms River Regional Schools website has been given a new look!  We have reorganized our content to be more accessible and easier to find.  Below are tips for how to make the best use out of the new website.

Each section of the website is called a "channel". The most popular channels of the website can be accessed by using the icons just underneath the featured photos on the home page. You can also access a complete list of channels by using the "hamburger" menu at the top corner of each page. Each channel's most popular features will appear on the gray navigation bar along the top of each page. Finally, a site map can be found at the footer of each page.

Looking for access to e-mail, Genesis, and other tools for staff members?  We have pinned quick-launch icons for Google Drive, Genesis, Transportation eLink, and e-mail at the top right of each page.  Note: These icons are only available when viewed on a desktop computer.

District-wide alerts will appear in a red box at the top of the website.  Other notices may appear at the top of each channel.  If there are no current alerts, the alert box will disappear.

Information for faculty and staff can be found on the Staff channel. There you will find AESOP resources, personnel services, health insurance information, professional development, employment opportunities, and more.

Information for students can be found on the Students channel. There you will find anti-bullying resources, summer assignments, code of conduct, and more.
Information for parents can be found on the Parents channel. There you will find student registration information, calendars, schedules, lunch menus, and more.

Technology Policies

With the spread of telecommunications throughout the modern work place, the Board recognizes that employees will shift the ways they share ideas, transmit information, and contact others. As staff members are connected to the global community, their use of new tools and systems brings new responsibilities as well as opportunities.

Learn more >>

Access to district resources requires users to act responsibly and adhere to legal and ethical standards. Users should be considerate of the needs of others, do nothing purposefully or carelessly to impede anyone else's ability to use the computer, and observe all relevant laws and regulations. All users are expected to follow the guidelines of this policy.

Learn more >>

Toms River Regional Schools recognizes the value and potential of publishing on the Internet. For many people, the Toms River Home Page will be the first point of contact with the district. With a global audience at our doorstep, it is important to establish guidelines for publishing on the World Wide Web.

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