Web Page Guidelines for Staff
Toms River Regional Schools recognizes the value and potential of publishing on the Internet. The Home Page is an official publication of the school district. The purpose of the Home Page is to provide access to information about the district, its mission, services, faculty and students, and programs and events. The Home Page provides direct access via hyperlinks to the second tier of web pages - our faculty and staff, our schools, and their academic and athletic programs. For many people, the Toms River Home Page will be the first point of contact with the district. With a global audience at our doorstep, it is important to establish guidelines for publishing on the World Wide Web.
Standards for Publication
Teachers in the district are encouraged to add content to the Web server. A student may not directly publish information on the district Web server. A student may participate as a member of a Web Development Team, or be part of a class in which the teacher requests that student work be published. However, only an employee of the district may place electronic files on the Web server for publication.
Information that is scholarly and will help other students, teachers and parents using our system is acceptable. The Web server is a tool to be used to help you and others use computers and communications technology to improve learning. All published material must have educational value. Since publishing on the Web is an opportunity for communication with a wide audience, all web page designers are required to provide an e-mail account on the page for feedback.
Pages should be grammatically correct with no spelling errors.
The district reserves the right to remove any individual web page that is found to be in violation of the law or district policies or procedures. Authors are responsible for the timely updating of the text, links, and images contained on their home pages.
IMPORTANT: You MUST see your building principal for new regulations pertaining to the posting of any student pictures to the District, personal, or school web sites.
Copyright laws apply to electronic publishing as well as to print publishing. Home Page publishers must have permission to publish the information, graphics, or photographs on their pages if they are not the author creator, and the information is copyrighted. Copyright and trademark law will be respected on all web pages. No images, text, video, or audio will be used without permission of the copyright holder.
Web pages may not contain:
- Legally restricted or confidential material including student personal contact information of any kind
- Material that is obscene, racist, ethnically disparaging, or defamatory
- Commercial and personal advertising of services and products
- Guest books, chat areas, message boards or similar venues
- External links (link to a site or content that is not hosted on the Toms River Web Server) unless the following disclaimer statement is present: Toms River Regional Schools is not responsible for content on external sites or servers.
The Superintendent shall devise regulations, including forms and procedures to implement this policy.