Jan. 3, 2023-- High School North's Kaitlyn Culbert, who has experienced considerable success over the years in the field of science, was recently awarded the Governor’s Environmental Excellence Award for student-led environmental education. As a result, she was interviewed by CBS in segments that aired twice over winter break, and which focused on her work protecting honeybees.
Toms River Patch published an extensive feature about Katie, detailing her many accomplishments.
"She has been honored at the 2020 AEOP (Army Education Outreach Program) National Science Challenge, and the Delaware Valley Science Fair for her project on breakthroughs in honeybee health" wrote the Patch's Karen Wall. "She has been a finalist for the last two years at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair, the world’s largest science competition for high school students."
Congratulations to Katie on yet another well-deserved recognition!